Wednesday 19 April 2017

To bring your baby, you have to be pregnant. Oooooops!

It all started when we got home a rescued Indian pup. Little did we know that the pup would become Chinky, a beautiful and black part of our family. She changed our lives completely. One of us had to now be at home by 7pm and we had someone who would snuggle up to us at 6am sharp everyday (making love early morning? Gone were those days!).
Have you ever seen a dog welcoming its master home? So you get it, we almost had a child. Looking into her innocent eyes, I realised that some where, there did exist 'the maternal instinct' within me.
And lo! I didn't even realise when I turned from a carefree traveller to a woman who wanted a child desperately.
Unfortunately due to my inherited god forsaken PCOD, none of our tries were ever fertile. No matter how much did the radiologists track the growth of my tiny multiple eggs, nor did the weird medicines I took mattered.
Cutting the worthless story short, I became pregnant in May'16 thanks to science. I now thank my body for responding in just one go!
I was on cloud nine and so proud of myself :P Amazingly, I was already called 4 weeks pregnant, thanks to the way due date is calculated. My project in office was about to get launched, and I was completely in control of all aspects. My time to shine had finally arrived. It was June 2nd, and 4th was my last birthday in the 20s. That day I noticed 2 tiny blood spots on my UW, After a bit of reading on net, I assumed it was natural, after all the baby might be creating space for itself. but gynaec asked me to take rest. And that meant not even going out of house for my birthday :|
Somehow, the blood didn't stop at just those 2 spots. I was crying thinking I have lost my baby. But no, the magical fertilised egg was still hanging in there!
Before I knew, I was admitted. And I wasn't allowed to get up from the bed. That meant, no walking (I was the one who won the step count 9 out of 10 times), no bathing AND no pooping or peeing in the loo. 24 hours I was on the bed that could move half up and down. I was wondering, what did just happen! I felt absolutely fine and healthy, then why the need to lie on the bed. Deep down I didnt even realise what was happening within me. My baby was barely 0.3 cm and there was an evil blood clot that was trying to displace her. The clot was 3 times bigger. Such a micro being fought with the evil clot and by the end of week, they were equal in size. Come on you clot!
Well, the toughest part began after I was discharged. I was 6 weeks pregnant by then and the baby still needed support to fight inside my body. I was on complete bed rest, this time, atleast using the toilet and bathing was allowed. It isn't wrong when they say that if you can poo and pee on your own, you are fortunate. I was told that this phase was supposed to last only for next 4 weeks.
I counted each and every day. What did I do? Why did this happen to me! I even thought that if the baby is so weak and nature doesn't want it to grow, why am I forcing it! Will it be a normal child? Is there even a child inside me! Worst part, Chinky was taken away from me. Both my mother in law and my husband (he wasn't Adi for me during that phase) were hurt multiple times because of my tears and attitude. For me, it was the period when I was tested psychologically. Those who know me well are aware of the tests I have gone through in my childhood. But this was something different. This was induced by me! The 4 week phase was then extended by another 4 weeks, and then another.
That's when my scan showed me my embryo that had now become a super tiny human shaped baby. It was well protected by something called placenta (which I thank now!). My baby won the battle. My baby won my body and my mind. It had to be a girl.

PS: What followed were weeks full of fun, travel and activity. I was proud, and the cutest mother to be (as told by fellow colleagues ;)